Happy Saturday!

Hey there everybody, happy Saturday to you!

I’m doing well, I have had an amazing week of productivity and relax time. Yesterday I went out with Roary and watched the new Deadpool movie and had lunch out at my favourite burger place, it was really great. So yes I have just been enjoying some down time now. I was really happy with my photoshoot this week too at the Sunshine Ruins, really great stuff! Today I decided to work on my latest 3D model and render an American police car. It has taken me a while to finish it as I have had other things on but yes I have finished it finally whoohoo haha! The finished render I’m really happy with and it was so much fun making it hehe.

With me I’m not sure what is next on the horizon for me, my productivity has been so epic this year already with doing things that I’m really proud of. So yes I’m not sure what 3D project I’ll do next, I am thinking about winding down for the year and what my last major projects would be. I have been happy just plodding along and seeing what I come up with. I have had so much fun this year with my projects I really do love what I do hehe.

Anyway I’ll leave you now with my police car render, I hope you like it, I had so much fun making it. I’m listening to Jazz on a Saturday right now on the radio and I’m going to have a beer soon and knock off work for my week, it’s right on 4:30pm for my Saturday and all my work is done. Have a great last bit of your weekend everybody all the best, (see render attached), ta, Ali.

American police car.

The Apocalypse re-edit!

Hey there, everybody! I hope you’re all doing well.

My best friend and photography friend Sam, did a re-edit of my Sunshine Ruins photo. I love it so much it makes me think of the apocalypse and chemical warfare that I believe in. Sam did such a great job, it also makes me think of Banksy’s works with that cut out look. I really like it and thanks to Sam for doing this, it really makes my world when an image takes on a better representation-dimension of what I was first thinking with that photograph, amazing stuff Sam!!

The primary reason for getting those gas masks from Lithuania was for this photoshoot and secondary in case the apocalypse does really happen and I’m prepared haha. I believe in the apocalypse and feel that this is close to my heart in respect that any time previous to this is a good time. Who knows what the future holds but I think already I have a wealth of good memories to sustain me into whatever may happen in future times.

Anyway have a great end of your week everybody, Friday tomorrow already and I’m looking to go see a movie and have lunch out at my favourite burger place. I’ll leave you now with the edit from my best friend Sam, have a great weekend and all the best, ta, Alisha.

Sam’s photo edit.

Sunshine Ruins Photoshoot!

Hey there, everybody! I hope you’re all doing well.

Happy middle of the week to you! I’m enjoying some down time today as I have been busy with some projects of mine over the last week. I have 3 major projects on the go at the moment and I’m having a well deserved break from them today. One of my projects I have finished today ahead of schedule. Yesterday we had some lovely weather and I went out with Roary and did my photoshoot at the Sunshine Ruins that my friend Sam reminded me of a couple of weeks ago. So yes it was so much fun and Roary was excellent at taking photos which I really really like! Thanks so much Roary you’re excellent at what you do! The photo that I really like didn’t require any editing, only a 16×9 crop, so yes this photo was straight out of the camera and is the jpg version. I’m so so happy with it hehe.

With other things with me, I counted up 60 items that are now in my 2024 best of folder that’s up 2 from 58 that is in my best of 2023 folder and it’s not even the end of the year yet, so yes I surpassed last year’s efforts, how was this even possible haha. I can’t believe that I have done so much work this year, it’s really crazy. I have been a busy beaver that is for sure haha.

Anyway have a great tail end of your week everybody. I’ll leave you now with my photo from yesterday’s photoshoot with Roary (see attached photo). Thanks and all the best, ta, Ali.

Sunshine ruins.

My 3D oldy compy!

Hey there everybody!

Happy TGI-Friday to you. I hope everybody is doing well.

I have been spending most of this week indoors as the weather has been really drab. Hopefully it fines up sometime soon, but yeah we are in the middle of winter haha, so it is to be expected. With things with me, I have been doing ok. I did a shop for foodies today, my regular weekly shop.

A couple of days ago I got my 3D programme again, as I was looking at the weather and thinking I need an indoor activity, so I got it again which is great. I started a new project straight away and I finished it today hehe. It is a 3D model / render based on my family’s old compy that we had back in the day. It was so much fun making it, it brings back good memories.

Anyway that is my Friday for you, it’s right on 4pm as I type this and it’s time to knock off work for the week. Time for a beer and some dinner soon. Have a great weekend and I’m sure I’ll catch you all again sometime soon. I’ll leave you now with my finished render of my old compy, (see attached render), all the best, ta, Alisha.

old compy.

Feeling accomplished!

Hey there, everybody.

I woke up at 11am today for my Monday, it has been 3 days in a row that I have woken around that late haha, so yes I got some really great sleep / rest. I think I have almost recovered from my sickness that has had me feeling sorry for myself over the last month or so. I’m feeling really chipper right now. I am at a point at the moment where I am really happy with how things are going with me.

At the moment my last song for the year ‘Mega Death’ has now been fully released and is now up on all online music stores. You can check it out on my Spotify here:

I have had an awesome year for my music I must say. Completing 4 single releases based on some of my most favourite retro computer games and for me are right up there as my best music I have made. I love those songs so much, especially ‘Quake’ that is my favourite, and Wolfenstein, really great I think so! It only took me 2 days to make that song ‘Quake’ and the video for it too haha.

At the moment I’m looking at writing notes, documenting ideas and getting data about how to optimize my daily living and focusing on my diet and health for me for the rest of this year. I want to get out more and do different things when the weather gets better. So yes, I want to make some positive changes and improve some things.

I got the news late, about the shooting in America and am feeling really sad and down that it’s like a war zone there and so divided. It’s been like that for a while in my opinion. All the violence and discrimination in this world has made me feel upset and down this evening as I reflect on what is going on in the world right now.

Anyway going forwards for me, I want to look at improving stuff with me. I did a sweep and dust of my compy desk yesterday and I’m doing little things everyday so it’s not too taxing when it comes to my inspection that is a few months away, so yes I want to be ready for that. As I have finished all my projects for the year, I’m going to look at some other stuff that I may want to do, like drawing, going out for coffee, going to the park etc.

I’ll leave you now with the link to my new song on Spotify and a screen-grab of what my updated website looks like at the moment. Have a great week everybody and I’m sure I’ll catch you all again soon, all the best, Alisha.

My website.

Mega Death – Music Video!

Hey there, everybody!

I have released my new song and is my last song for the year, titled Mega Death. It was so much fun making this, really great stuff, I think so. The album cover is a photo I took and the video is the game play of Unreal Tournament 2004. It was so much fun playing this game in our 3D classes at University back in the day and networked at LAN parties, such a great game it is.

Anyway I hope you enjoy listening to it. I am having the rest of this week off because I’m still sick and not very well and that’s the same with my compy as well, we’re both so very sick. This song is up on my Bandcamp page here: https://ashleyhm.bandcamp.com/track/mega-death

YouTube: https://youtu.be/sq1xierbtLk

and soon to be up on all stores when I get around to it haha. Have a great tail end of your week everybody and all the best, ta, Alisha.

Album cover photoshoot!

Hey there, everybody!

Yesterday I got my package in the post, I was really excited to get it, all the way from Lithuania haha. I was tracking it through France and Singapore and it came at the exact time it was scheduled to arrive, really great I think so.

So, I did a photoshoot yesterday with my vintage gas mask that was in the package that I ordered. When I opened the package the musty-old-smell, they were probably locked in a room and forgotten about, but yes they do say they are vintage and authentic, so I guess that is why haha. Also from the materials that the mask is made from. So yes I got some lavender smell spray today from the supermarket.

I wanted a particular look with that style of gas mask and it was exactly what I was after. It reminds me of the Tusken Raiders from Starwars. Anyway it is a bit of fun. I wanted that gas mask as a prop for a photoshoot that I finished yesterday. I wanted it so I could make up an album cover for my new song “Mega Death” which is due to be released very soon. It will be my last song for the year too.

Anyway I’m just relaxing today, as I’m sick again. I’m feeling cold and feverish-shiverish and feeling sorry for myself, again! I know right! I got to the café this morning and got myself a ham and cheese toastie, so that was nice and picked me up a bit. I’ll leave you now with my photo that I took yesterday, (see photo attached) have a great rest of your week everybody, happy middle of the week to you too. All the best, Alisha.

What’s in the box!

Hey there, everybody!

My package came today, all the way from Lithuania haha! What’s in the box, will soon be revealed, maybe later this week.

With me I’m sick again and feeling really low energy and massive headache, also my computer is still very sick also, compy still struggles to do things for me, but yes I’ll have to see how me and compy goes this week. I am just resting up and enjoying a hot cup of tea in front of the T.V.

Have a great week everybody, all the best, Alisha. (see attached photo).

Bad Boys Movie!

Hey there everybody!

Yesterday evening I went out with my carer to watch Bad boys the movie. I really enjoyed it. We had dinner out at our favourite burger place, and overall it was a great Sunday evening out.

Today I had lots of meetings and stuff, this late afternoon I’m looking forward to tomorrow when hopefully my package arrives from Lithuania haha, though it could be a bit longer, I’ll keep you all posted.

Anyway it’s right on 5:30PM for my Monday and I’m going to sit on my couch and watch the T.V all night I think. Last night I did this too and it was a great break away from my compy. Have a great week everybody and I’m sure I’ll catch you all again sometime soon, all the best, ta, Alisha. (see photos attached of my burger and movie ticket).

My burger.

Happy Saturday! – Update.

Hey there everybody.

It has been quite a while since I checked in. I have been doing ok and recovering from my sickness. My compy (computer) is still recovering from being unwell too. I have a few projects open at the moment that I may be releasing soon this week both music and photography related. On the music front I have a new song that I have been working on and I have pretty much finished it – my last song for the year, I’m just waiting to receive some photo props in the post for my new song photo and album cover, and all the way from Lithuania haha, more info on that coming soon.

With me I have recovered mostly from being sick all last week and I’m just getting back to normal now. I have a busy week this week with lots of meetings with my workers and treating teams. For the last day of my weekend, tomorrow Sunday I hope to get out and about for dinner out and see a movie. Anyway I’ll probably check in again later this week at some stage. I have a screen grab (see attached) of the final finished version of my new song in my program DAW, Cubase 13 minus my game sound fx that were later added and edited in my video program. Have a great end to your weekend tomorrow everybody and I’m sure I’ll catch you all again sometime soon, time for a beer now and relax time, ta, bye, Alisha.

Unreal – In DAW.